Friday, March 30, 2007

Yikes, The First Post!

Well, here I am. Vulnerable to everyone out there. I thought I'd jump on the blogging bandwagon, it seems as though everyone is doing everyday. Peer pressure at it's finest.
I hope this serves it's purpose for me, a little therapy, we could all use some.
I'm warning all of you from the start. If I offend you in anyway...then do not come here again! If you want to grade me on my writing skills, bad use of punctuation...get out!



Casey said...

hooray! welcome to the club! soon enough you'll be telling all about your husband's very personal colonoscopy procedure. make sure to use actual names and addresses, phone numbers, etc. after all, it's just the web!

looking forward to some good stories!

P said...


can't wait to read more. i can totally see you saying those last sentences with your trademark scorpio sneer. love it!

Jackaland Online said...

All right, I'm game- I'm not a blogger (or a blogee,) but I know I'll get a kick out of your life- so, tell us, why "The Mimic?"

diane303 said...

(Jack wrote)
Zed is watching you!!!

P said...

she's the mimic because she is powerless to the urge to imitate any sound she hears immediately upon hearing it. this means driving in a car past an ambulance with sirens ablare and then, seconds later, hearing the same sirenlike sound coming from the driver. this means walking up the stairs from the laundry room with someone making the same uncanny slosh-slish-slosh sound. it's quite amazing.