Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Biggest Loser at Home.

I love this show. It's really nice to see people achieving weight loss through hard work with diet and exercise. I get all teary eyed up when I watch it.

This is inspiring me to log in my progress every time I post. Rick and I have been working out three times a week now, and although I don't spend as much time at the gym as I'd like, at least I'm going. I run for 30 minutes, or run 20, then do the elliptical for another 10 minutes. I then end with a bit of weight training (what ever I can fit in).

I try to do "donkey kicks" and lunges at home, since my tush is starting to slide. How depressing! I also fit some ab work in, in between the loads of laundry.
I figure I might have some extra motivation to start eating more healthy again, or just eating less if I post my progress. My water consumption is way down too. I used to drink at least a liter of water a day, and I'm lucky if I drink more than 8 oz these days. Wonder why I get headaches eh?

So watch for the loss (crossing fingers) at the bottom.

128 lbs

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The First Day of School

Today was our first day of our "Stay and Play" class with the park district. We walked in, took off our coats, and made our way to say hello to the teacher.

As I walked across the room, I noticed we were the only non Eastern European people in the class so far. I walked V and A up the the teacher, introduced the and myself, and greeted the teacher. I was very clearly the strange american woman.

As other class members came in, I noticed we were the minority. The "E.E" parents sat in the corner and chatted (jzib jzib) while their children ran about pushing other kids, as the rest of us supervised our children and encouraged them to share and be kind to the other kids. I was also making sure V and A weren't licking any of the sticky toys, as to not ingest any other viruses and bacteria for a while.

I was surprised to see my babies having no problem running off and interacting with other kids and adults. They were sharing toys with other kids, and would occasionally call out for one another to make sure their sibling was at least in the room. They would periodically meet up in the center of the room, say a few words and then separate again.

I tried very hard to not interfere with what they were doing, so they can initiate play on their own. I did however, as I mentioned before, keep an eye on them at all times.

It was then time for "snack". We sat at the little tables, and had some dried cranberries, and cheerio's, and I tried to strike up conversations with other parents. Needless to say it was difficult with most of the other parents, but I did talk with a few. I was the most aggressive one there, 'cause once I started to talk, more people came out of their shell. After snack, I asked V and A to take their napkins to the garbage. This was amazing to the others. "Wow, did you see that?? How do you get them to help you??" I heard from some of them. I figured almost all kids love to help, and throw things in the "bargage".

Anyhow, on to circle time. If you don't know, I'm always talking to V and A. I explain almost everything we are doing, or going to do. So I prepared them. "Alright, we're having circle time! Let's clean up the toys so we can sit in a circle on the carpet!" V and A started tossing toys in the toy box, and proceeded to sit on the colorful carpet. This again was strange to most.

The teacher sat down and asked what we would like to sing. Every parent sat wide eyed, and quiet.

Are you asking us or the kids? I thought to myself.

How about the wheels on the bus? The teacher suggested.

Thinking again. This should be amusing since more than half the people in this class speak polish.

The teacher started The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round, round and round. All thought the town.

Pause... blank looks....

I chime in The Wipers on the bus go swish swish swish...and so on.

Suddenly, I'm leading the song. WTF is the teacher for?? She asks us what song we'd like to sing next, and looks at me.

The itsy bitsy spider? I say

The next thing you know, I'm leading this song too. Oh, and after every song, I clap and say "yeah!!!!!" to get the kids going a bit.

I should be getting paid for this I'm thinking.

It was now time to go. The teacher was saying her good byes, but most of the parents just threw their kids jackets on and bolted out the door. I made sure to show V and A to say good bye and Thank you to the teacher and to the new kids we had met.

I guess for some, it's a place to bring your kid to play. I see it as "school", and another opportunity to teach V and A manners, and expose them to a few hours of structured play. I guess it's the preschool teacher in me.

I do look forward to going next week, and the weeks that follow. It's fun to watch the kids enjoy new experiences, and branch off. It makes me feel more comfortable that they look out for each other, and aren't necessarily looking for me.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Happy Birthday TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday to my Mommy!!

My Mom taught me how to be silly, creative, and use all kinds of strange words to describe almost anything.

She taught me how to whip up a meal from whatever was left in the fridge. These dishes usually turn out better than any recipe.

My Momma showed me how to be strong even when you feel you are at your weakest moment.

Tip your glass to her today!!

I love you very much and hope you are having a wonderful day!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

1,000 down the drain

Well, I ran without my SPORTS orthotics today, and whata you know? My knee didn't hurt. Now that I'm home and have my neoprene wrap off, It's a little sore, but nothing like a few days ago.

I did notice that my arch was a bit ...tense on the left foot, but I'll take that.
I might just forget about them all together, because when I wear them on a day to day basis, my knee still hurts. I guess I can take them back to the podiatrist and have them fix the orthotics.

They are supposed to slow down my inevitable bunions that I have inherited. The bunions are not really even bunions yet, but do I save my feet, and spare the knee? I don't think so. Even if I wear the orthotics, I'll still eventually get the bulbous joints on my pretty little dogs anyhow. Ya gotta love getting older. At least I didn't pay for the stupid things.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Back In Action!!!!

Finally, we joined our community fitness center. Rick and I took the kids for a "look-see" a while ago, but never got the motivation to just pay the membership fee, and GO.

What's nice is they have a babysitting room for parents who want to work out. It's nicely equipped with toys, kitchen and T.V. They also limit the number of children in the room, and you have to make an appointment, which controls any over crowding.

Now, I have no excuse. Only if the babies are sick. They will turn you away if you attempt to bring in a sick child- that's nice.

After a stressful month (holiday's, cold weather, very sick babies) , I finally went. I packed up my new hot pink Nike bag, compliments of my sister and UDA, and took the one minute drive over to the community center. It is rather small, but it is clean and the staff is very friendly. Unlike the gym we used to belong too.

I fired up my ipod, and hopped onto the treadmill. I would have chosen the elliptical because of my knee, which has been acting up again, but they were all being used. I trusted the neoprene wrap would help. After the first mile and 1/2, I felt like it was time to slow down a bit and bring my heart rate down, so I dialed down the MPH, and started on a slow jog. Interestingly enough, that is when my knee started to hurt. Could it be that I put more pressure on my joints jogging, than running? I did read that in runners magazine about three years ago. I decided to speed back up again, and the discomfort lessened. When I felt like my heart rate was beyond target again, I walked and jacked up the incline to make it more difficult. Thankfully, this worked well. I guess your body has a way of letting you know your limits. It's funny, because my mind works in a similar fashion, run and walk, never can I just mentally jog anymore.