Monday, April 23, 2007


i was skimming through my pictures and came across this one. what a beaut! at least i'm smiling (because i have such a great sense of humor). it just so happened to have been taken a year ago to the day. i try to remember how it felt to have two bodies inside me. sometimes, when i have horrible gas pain, i can close my eyes, and it kinda feels the same way. if i could do anything, i would love to go back in time and experience the feeling of both babies churning around. some nights were so uncomfortable, i would cry out in pain. it would feel like vaughn was trying to break my ribs with his legs, and avery would ball up against my liver, but i'll never have that feeling again. how precious. (ha ha)
this time last year, i slept on the couch, bobbled around from chair to couch, to chair again. i was so miserable!!! this picture was taken when the worst was setting in and gaining a pound a day in water. my legs were so swollen it felt like my skin would tear, and i couldn't put my feet together anymore. i begged god (and my doctor) for these babies to arrive, and was so relieved when my water finally broke. the torture would end...and then started a new beginning.
it is so amazing how fast a year goes by. it seams like yesterday. now i look at these babies, soon to be toddlers, and i am in such disbelief these kids came out of me! now that they are on the move, and can feed themselves, it shows how independant they are becoming. now i know what my parents meant when we were growing up. the older we get, the faster time passes. so my friends, savor every moment.


diane303 said...

When You had the twins, the realization that you, your sisters and all the babies came from me just blew me away. I get so upset when people complain about their kids or grandkids. Geez! They're miracles!

The amazing thing is that your tush looks so tiny under that bib belly.

Dina said...

the belly made EVERYTHING look so small.
i know vaughn and avery will try my patience, but i hope i don't complain about them. avery already has selective listening, and shrugs her shouldlers and turns away from me when she doesn't want to listen to us. she's small enough that i can physically turn her around to get eye contact. she is a taurian for sure. vaughn is a little more easy going, but can be stubborn too. all in all, they are perfect!!

Jackaland Online said...

When our first was born, my husband's oldest sister said to us, "Can you believe how much you love this little being, how you'd do anything for him? How you want nothing but happiness and love for him?" And we said "Yes!" She said, "That's how much Mom loves you." That's just as amazing and something I think we forget.

Dina said...

it put things in perspective doesn't it hol?
i think you appreciate your parents that much more after you become one.

diane303 said...

Even when I was absolutely exasperated with y'all, I would get panicky just thinking about anything really horrible happening to any of you. (I still do.) My brain doesn't even want to touch upon certain possibilities.

Now this has extended to the grand babies.

Also, I am amazed when it is apparent that you really LIKE me! I know that kids have a certain obligation to love parents, but when you guys want to spend time with me, I'm so touched that I could CRY!

Dina said...

well momma, you are fun to be around! and i don't only love you cause you're my mom, but i love you for the person you are!

Lola said...

Miracles! That's all I have to say! Babies are a miracle but twins are double the miracle. I thank God for my miracle babies every day!
Happy Birthday Avery and Vaughn.
Love Jordy and Abby

P said...

happy birthday, twinkies!

diane303 said...

Yes, happy birthday little cutie pies! Can't believe they are a year old all ready. I remember posting ultrasound photos on my blog!