Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The sound of music

the cicadas are emerging, and i'm obsessed. every night, i check the lawn and my trees for the lil' buggers. this morning i stepped outside to their lovely sound. i know this is strange to most people, but the sound i so regularly imitate, is the sound of summer (to me anyway). i'm afraid that they will consume my yard tho' (figuratively speaking). having the babies, and being outside as much as possible, these friends of mine may be the summer party crashers, until they die off in july. anyone inundated with them?? some areas will be worse than others, and knowing some treas on my block are 100 years old, i thought i'd have more. so far, i'm not finding any in my yard...yet. don't worry, i'm not planning on making any cicada cookies or muffins.


diane303 said...

Haven't really sen any here yet. I'll have to walk down town and see if any are emerging in any of the really old trees in town.

I just remember walking through Glencoe with Harriet and her big yellow lab. They were covering everything. Her dog loved to eat them.

E said...

According to our neighbors our lawn was COVERED 17 years ago since we supposedly have one of the largest trees in the area right in our backyards. I counted 20 in the dirt when I was planting on Saturday. The first couple FREAKED me out and by the end of my planting, I was dipping them in the peanut butter jar and eating them. They're quite crunchy on the outside with a smooth, creamy filling.....hee hee

diane303 said...


Dina said...

Mmmmm, they're supposed to taste like almonds, from what i understand.

Jackaland Online said...

Ahhh, yes, the lovely cicadas. They have only just begun to emerge by us- I found a few in the roses, many more on walks w/ Bella. What strikes me is that these little creatures' parents died 17 yrs ago- and their offspring will emerge in 17 more- makes me think about where I was 17 yrs ago (I was 17)- how I thought I'd be this old 34 yr old when they came again- now I'm thinking, "holy crap, I'll be 51 when they come out again!"