Thursday, September 6, 2007

Leashing your child

Last Sunday, Rick and I took the kids to the Zoo for the first time. We had such a great time. It was a little hot, but we managed. I made sure V and A were napped and fed, to ensure their happiness, and ours.

The kids were so exited to see the animals, and we were exited for them. A was screaming with joy when she saw the dolphins, and V started signing for elephant once we strolled upon them. At the Children's Zoo, they were able to get up close to the farm animals, V even touched a goat. There is this gated in area where the kids can follow goats around and brush them. V was happy holding my husbands hand, and just admiring everything from afar, but our darling daughter was like a caged animal herself. She darted around just happy to be free from the stroller. A is so fast now, and HATES it when we hold her hand. She goes into a tantrum and throws herself on the ground and jumps on her butt. At that point we have to scoop her up and carry on with the day.

After the monkey house, we let her run down the path leading back to the stroller area. She again took off, and started greeting other people. At one point our littler angel, stumbled upon a man with a baby. She pointed and said "bahby, bahby!!" and approached the man (who seemed as though he enjoyed a few too many of the Zoo beers). This man reached out to A saying in a thick accent, " Ahh, beautiful child!!, Come Come here", and tried to pick her up. My husband immediately, snatched A up and walked toward me and V, and told our social butterfly to say goodbye. She kicked and screamed for a few seconds, wanting to be put down.

A just started walking 6 weeks ago, and is already little miss independent. I fear she'll be one of those kids who will disappear in a second, when you're attention is taken off of her. I have heard too many stories of kids vanishing, luckily found, but I don't want to experience the horror of losing a child. If I am ever with them by myself, I know she'll take off on me. V, on the other hand, will be hanging on to me with out a problem. I have seen people who have these backpack harnesses for their kids. Some adults think it is stupid to put your kid on a leash, but I think sometimes, you just have no other choice.

My dear sister-in-law picked one up for me at Wal-Mart, she was going there anyway, and saved me the trip. I really think that is is a necessity, if you are in crowds, and can't put them in the stroller for some reason. Safety first right?

1 comment:

E said...

JUMP ON YER BUTT, JUMP ON YER BUTT!! I still say you put that on YouTube. Who cares what people think, AND its an adorable, fuzzy little monkey. Its not like something that draws negative attention, its really cute! (and it doubles as a backpack when she starts carrying her lipstick and blush around) Its sitting on the dining room buffet waiting to go home and everytime we walk by Massimo is fascinated with it, like he wants to say, "give that to me, mom, please, I want to put it in my mouth!"